Outfits of the Trip - Paris

July 02, 2015

As you may or may not know, I recently did a 5 week study abroad program in London and Paris studying trend forecasting and history of fashion. I think one of my favorite parts (besides the food and eligibility to drink) was the freedom I felt to wear some very fashion forward pieces.

One of the best parts of this trip was splurging on a fancy dinner at Bouillon Racine. The place was gorgeous, and honestly not even that pricey for the bougie experience, just about 45 Euro a person. Mmm and the French onion soup just went so well with the dry chardonnay...

And what would be a night out without a little dressing up? The right is what I wore that night, and the left is the outfit I wore during the day. I only wore this dress once or twice on my trip, but when I did I got so many compliments, it's so slimming and the perfect amount of classy and sexy.

Paris was such an experience of a lifetime, especially since I don't speak an ounce of French, but I was truly taken aback by the rich culture you see from the food to the architecture to the history. If you ever find yourself lost in the city of love, grab a baguette under your arm, a bottle of wine (screw off preferred) and a block of your favorite cheese and sit in the Luxembourg gardens and just people watch...as I shamelessly did more than once.

Halter // Pants (not available, closest here) // Boots // Jacket // Dress (only left at resellers) // Wedges 

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