Take Yourself Out

April 01, 2016

Ever have those lazy Sundays where you feel like you should be doing something, but don't have anything to do? I did this last week but none of my friends were as free or up for an adventure as I was. One of my best tips to relieving stress, managing mental health and all over expressing some self-love is to take yourself on a date.

It can be anything you want to do really, as long as you're getting up and out to do something that you enjoy. I definitely recommend going out and eating by yourself and just people watching, taking a walk through a park, trying out the new doughnut place downtown and looking at an open house just because. These are all things to do that make me really happy, something about residential neighborhoods with flowers in bloom with a coffee in my hand makes it my happy place, so that's what I did this Sunday.

Going to The Ohio State University I took the bus a couple miles towards town to the Short North, a cutesy area with galleries, bars and restaurants, but it was Easter Sunday and a little busy for my liking, so I grabbed a doughnut and iced coffee and headed towards the park, where I ate my doughnut on a bench and then walked through the residential area looking at victorian houses.

Some tips for taking yourself on a date:

  1. Don't be afraid or ashamed of being alone, this is YOU time to just enjoy yourself
  2. Try to not eat too much junk food or do anything too lazy, exercise and healthy food put you in a better mood, but it's ok to treat yourself
  3. Go to an area you've never been before, you never know what you might find and you don't have to worry about seeing people you know and distracting you
  4. Bring some music if you're walking, or just sit and listen to people talking and the birds chirping
  5. Don't put too much pressure on what you want to do, just go out and see where your feet lead you and be happy you got up and out rather than stay in bed and watch Netflix all day
Where's your favorite place to go in your free time?

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